“I will be eternally grateful not only for exceeding our goal but for also taking us to a level of performance that we didn’t know existed.”
— Cathy Kopanic, Call Center Manager at Comcast Cable
“Grant is an expert at taking a team to the next level of motivation and performance. His philosophies on business, leadership, and sales are extremely solid, and his programs can make a huge difference to your organization.”
— Rebecca Lamperski, Senior Director, Learning and Development/Ad Sales at Comcast University
“Grant Stewart is a rare find. A gem of a man, Grant combines deep understanding of organizations with a phenomenal communication style that connects with his audience and brings home the message. He is candid yet kind and delivers super content with a sense of humor that is infectious. Have Grant talk to your company or group – you’ll be delighted.”
— Ed DeCosta, Executive Coach, Author, Speaker and Leader of Online Professional Development Programs
“For 12 years I spent my life in misery as Vice President of Operations. Now I’m Vice President of Sales and happier than I’ve been in all of those years¦ and I owe it all to your leadership development /coaching process.”
— Mark Carter, Vice President and Partner – Swanson Industries
“This is the best development process I have ever experienced. I’ve been through Six Sigma Training and achieved Black Belt Status. This process is what’s missing from Six Sigma implementation. It actually shows you how to achieve the improvements you’re looking for.”
— Steve Milik, Operations Manager & Six Sigma Black Belt – Swanson Industries
“I have worked with Grant Stewart at Performance Matrix for over 2 years. His process is highly recommended to those looking to make a significant change in their personal and/or business life. Grant’s professionalism, knowledge and resources are a strong asset to any organization.”
— Jeff Welsh, Director of Design/Co-Founder – Impakt Marketing
“Performance Matrix uses positive energy and skills and knowledge to deliver unbelievable, significant results personally, professionally, and organizationally.”
— Jim Matuga, CEO/Founder – InnerAction Media
“My mantra used to be, Wouldn’t it be nice if Well, that changed to actually doing it! I have had tremendous successes as a result of the Leadership Development Process company-wide as well as individually, one being the development of an aggressive profit-sharing / incentive program for my entire staff I am extremely proud of.”
— Craig Behr, Vice President/Vice President Managed Services at Citynet.
“Instead of my life working me I am working my life.”
— James Rankin, Operations Manager – Construction Supply Company
“I have absolutely turned my company on fire since being coached by Grant. I just wish I had met him 20 years ago. If you get the opportunity to go through the process with him, don’t think about it. DO IT. You will be glad you did in so many ways. Your personal life will be much richer also.”
— Bryan Wilson, Employee Benefit Specialist
“I have been through numerous leadership development processes, many in the military as well as in several banks—one being four weeks long, eight hours a day, five days a week. I’ve already gotten more out of these four two-hour sessions than all of the others combined.”
— Trish Law, Region I Workforce Investment Board, Workforce West Virginia (Winner of the prestigious Levitow Honor Graduate Award*)
“I have been going through the process since April and have been offered several positions. After much consideration and establishing GOALS (thanks to you) for myself, I have finally made a decision. Much to my surprise, it was not based on how much I would be paid. I chose the position based on which best matched what I wanted to do.”
— Anonymous
“This process is really working. It was wonderful to hear the revelation that one of our team members had. To know that she came to the realization herself is such a plus. I am learning a tremendous amount; I just wish I could learn quickly. Your energy is great. I wanted you to know that you are making a difference in our organization. It’s exciting, and encouraging, seeing the changes in each one of us on a weekly basis. Thank you.”
— Robin A. Morgan, CWDP Programs Manager at Region 1 Workforce Investment Board
“It has been a year since our class and I have to say that I have changed tremendously. I have returned to college where I have discovered that, yes, I can be a good student and I can accomplish and achieve even when there are plenty who think I can’t. I received a 3.43 GPA for the spring semester and I have decided that I want to be a cultural anthropologist. I have even taken the time to speak publicly on a few occasions. I have overcome a lot of my fears. I no longer ask how high [when they say jump]. I say, Forget you. I will do it my way and I am a much happier person. Thanks to the class and the friends I now keep.”
— Ginger Bosley
“ The GREAT thing is that things are going wonderfully. We are busier than ever, but somehow someway there is peace. We’ve got a tremendous team working here. [Husband] and I have completed some of our goals and we’re making new ones. [Husband] is handling life here better than ever…my hat goes off to you. I know your coaching (and answered prayer from God) has made all the difference. MANY, MANY thanks. Have a better than ever day!”
— Anonymous
“Grant, you are the most influential & helpful adult I’ve met. You have truly earned my respect. Thank you for everything. ”
— Mary Klinestiver, Keyser High School
“Grant, you made a difference in my life! Thank you!”
— Blake Williams, Keyser High School
“I am most likely going to go to Wheeling Jesuit University for College in the fall, I have an internship this summer at a technological WV business school, and I often look back at the goal setting skills I learned from you and the Rising Stars Program. I keep that positive attitude about life, and it all keeps growing for the better.”
— Blake Williams, Frankfort High School. A Year Later
“Grant, whether you realize it or not you’ve changed my life and became a life-long friend. Your positive attitude has made me a better person and I owe you for it. Thank you.”