Socrates says KNOW thyself
Develop a superior understanding of your natural talents and how they can fuel your genius levels of performance
Kierkegaard says CHOOSE thyself
Reexamine your roles to see how they can better align with your natural talents
Mirandola says CREATE thyself
Combine your roles and your talents to unleash your hidden genius
What if success is a side effect of who you are? What if leadership of others begins with leadership of self?
It is! And, it does!
Research shows that the greater your self-awareness, the greater your success — as you define it — personally, professionally, and organizationally.
Research also demonstrates that most of us aren’t even close to being as self-aware as we think we are.
Why We Do What We Do
Performance Matrix exists to provide individuals and organizations with the tools to tap into potential that in turn will maximize effectiveness through authentic and full expression.
"Potential is nothing, Performance is everything!”
– Bill Parcells

What happens when individual and departmental goals are out of sync with the organization's strategic intention? Without total alignment you come face to face with the Law of Unintended Consequences! We make sure your people are behaving in ways that support your strategic intention, and if you don't have a strategic intention, we help you get one.
Organizations that incorporate professional coaching for business reasons have a medium return of seven times their initial investment according to a global coaching study. Performance Matrix incorporates a unique combination of Business Consulting, Individual and Team Coaching, and Management and Leadership Development.
How we think, what our thinking talents are, and patterns of past performance are strong predictors of future behavior. To break the cycle of conditioned behavior delivering the same results, to reach optimal performance, you must understand WHAT natural talents you possess, WHY you are motivated to use them, and HOW you prefer to use them.