Through a powerful strategic partnership with Innermetrix, an international consulting firm, we offer the most sophisticated and comprehensive suite of personal diagnostic tools available today. The ADVanced Insights Profile combines the best of three world-class profiles:

To reach optimal performance for you individually or for your employees you must understand WHAT natural talents you possess, WHY you are motivated to use them, and HOW you prefer to use them.

The ADVanced Insights Profile does just that:

The Attribute  looks at the WHAT portion of the What, Why, and How trilogy. Understanding WHAT you are good at and what your thinking preferences are help support your continued and future success. Likewise, identifying your weaknesses helps you identify what’s blocking your success.

Values  looks at the WHY portion of the What, Why, and How trilogy. Understanding WHY you are motivated to do things, you are able to better align your environment with what creates the most passion in you and your people.

DISC  reviews the HOW portion of the What, Why, and How trilogy. Understanding HOW you prefer to behave, you are able to better align your environment, select the work that ensures more meaning and success, and produce less stress while doing so.

The Values determines WHY you behave the way you behave; The DISC identifies HOW you behave; The Attribute shows WHAT you’re good at.